Sport Clubs & Organisations

The core business of every sporting organisation is to achieve success in a competitive environment with their primary interest in the next generation of champion players and athletes. At the heart of every business comes it’s people - ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to the organisation’s key goals and objectives is paramount to it’s success.

ISC provides detailed programs and strategies to help develop people within sporting clubs and organisations to gain insight and awareness of themselves and others to be at their best in all essential life domains. Those life domains are:

  1. Psychological insight and wellbeing
  2. Emotional intelligence and awareness with good resilience
  3. Effective relationship management and understanding of others
  4. Personal brand aligned with values and delivered with a strong presence in digital media
  5. Career suitably and clearly defined and potential job satisfaction maximised
  6. Educational interests identified and learning pathways clearly planned
  7. Financial security is assured and legal piece-of-mind

Our tailored, highly structured programs offer an independent and confidential service to empower the people within elite organisations to achieve peak performance, develop important work and life skills, capitalise on their knowledge and expertise and maximise outcomes.